Friday 30 March 2012

Gun Club Friday March 29, 2012

Lone wolf Gun Club today.  Walked by right at 3PM to check it out and saw Travis, trooper.  It takes a dedicated man to work on Friday guns. Well done!  Dana and the kids were in the city today so I was free to exclusively nurture the guns, nice.  One needs to have guns if one wants to cuddle others.  Taking care of the guns is an important way to care for others.

Started with my 5K run, stunk.  Damn pig barns.  Two dogs out today.  One I have seen before. he runs up to the driveway, not barking, but not wagging his tail either.  I stare him down, but I have been watching 'Gandhi' in class lately and remember his super-confident, non-violent awesomeness.  I avert my eyes, lower my head into a passive position, (I don't sniff his butt) and run by.  Yeah, he alphaed me. I was Gneufed.  I don't think Gandhi felt so lame.  I keep running.  I meet the next dog.  I'm not looking away, not this time.  I Stare him down, he yelps, bares his teeth, but runs away, scared of the guns.  On my return loop the beta dog was gone, but the alpha dog silently watched me run by.   Like Kenny Rogers (solid guns for a singer) said 'You've gotta know when to fold them'.

After this sweaty warm-up, I headed into Gun Club, with a couple other dogs, my familiars, my constant companions from birth.  My inner wolves.  Black Wolf and White Wolf, or Black and White wolf, or B&W Wolf, or B&Dubs Wolf, or R.Dubs' B&Dubs Dubs. But that's just semantics.  I walked in with B&Dubs trailing behind, wrestling for Alpha.  Somedays White Wolf is clearly in charge, other days Black Wolf grins with triumphant arrogance.  Somedays they fight; this was one of those days.  I decided to let them run.  I think they smelled tuna.  Fresh from my run, I shredded a Spartacus workout (if interested, check this out from Joel, awesome), and then basically went nuts on the guns.  Whenever you don't have an exact plan, just go nuts on the guns.  The wolves howled.  I think Mel thinks I'm crazy, poor man has to listen to all the grunting, whatever, doesn't matter, as long as we work the guns, Mel does boot camp, I do Gun Club, we're not here to judge, just to support each other in pursuit of healthy guns.  Everyone has their own way.  Once I let the wolves run, they take their own course. 

Came home exhausted and famished.  I gorged on eggs, cheese, toasted rye bread and peanut butter, amazing.  B&Dubs were restless and hungry, but they will sleep well tonight.    

I was hounded by dogs, and wolves, but I overcame.  I showed up. 

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