Friday 23 March 2012

Gun Club Friday March 23, 2012

Good Gun Club today.  I was in there all alone, but that's alright sometimes.  Adam was sick.  Joel was at Hoopla.  It was Friday so the kids had stuff to do.  All good.  I had a bit of angsty aggression in me, so it felt good to let it out.  Cranked the music.  I showed up.  Been Liking "Paper Planes" by MIA lately.  Arcade Fire continues to be a favourite.  Seems like wierd workout music, but it works for me.  Did three sets of solid weight of my five core exercises: bench, squats, dead lifts, rows, curls, and clean and jerk.  Did a bit of cardio, my M100's (mandatory 100 cardio reps that I do every workout), some dumbell stuff, and some Milverines.  (The exercises that Milverene does at the end of this video, check it out!).  Milverene

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