Wednesday 28 March 2012

Gun Club Wednesday March 28, 2012

Wednesday is my designated running day, and I did my 5K loop.  Unfortunately the mother-in-law can't watch the kids for me on the weekend of the Saskatchewan Marathon, where I wanted to run the 10K.  I'll keep training and looking for a different race.  The 5k loop is starting to get easier, but it was nasty running into the wind on the way back.  It just makes me stronger. 

When I came back into the school from my run I smelled a faint hint of sweat and knew Gun Club was in session; I was strangely intoxicated by this odd aroma and felt a second wind.   I wanted to come by and shred a few reps, but I got the news that I was needed at home.  Alas, one must balance the guns with life, or should I say Atlas.  We need the guns to get us through life, but without a life, the guns have no meaning, without the guns one can't get along in life.  This is the Ying and Yang of the Guns and Life.  Though I was called from home, I stopped by Gun Club just to check it out.  A man can never be too available.  I was met by Eric doing stairs sweating like a pig, awesome.  Morgan was running, excellent.  Josh D. was stoically getting ripped, and I think I saw Tyler thrashing on the bench, poetry.  It was awesome to see so many guy getting jacked.  It was dark and I only walked by, and I know I probably missed some guys, but I report on what I see, and when I go. 

You know who you are, and you showed up.  That's reward enough.  That's Gun Club. 

My big gun days are Tuesdays and Thursdays and I am looking forward to Gun Club tomorrow already.  I packed my lunch tonight, a lentil salad with feta cheese and a can of rainforest tuna (that's the brand that NASA takes to space, must be good).  One must feed the guns to make them grow.  Guns must be thrashed, but they must be fed, just like sled dogs.  The stats on the albacore tuna can say that I will have 45 g of fish meal protein pulsing through my veins after lunch, along with the lentils.  Look out.  The albacore lurks, waiting to surface.

It was windy, but I ran 5k.  I showed up, and can't wait for tomorrow.


  1. I hyperextended my left arm yesterday, and I have to pump up soccer balls today after school for spring soccer vollunteer hours. Hopefully I'll make it on Friday.

    1. I saw you in the gym, didn't know what you were doing with all the soccer balls. Now I know! Heal up!
