Thursday 26 April 2012

Gun Club Tuesday April 25, 2012

I knew I would be the lone staffer today.  Joel, bless his guns, is a proud new father!  Henri Joel Leis Driedger was born last Thursday, and is already showing signs of being a gunner.  We know Joel is where he needs to be, and wish him all the best.  We are also awaiting his return to Gun Club within the next couple weeks.  He needs to keep up the guns to be the best father he can be.  The Adamal was away with the badminton team, which apparently didn't sweep, but did well.

I started my solitary gun club right at 3:30.  I got a phone call from Dana that I was needed at home by 4:30, hate those, so I knew I needed to go fast and hard.  I was soon joined by Josh D. and Travis H.  These guys seemed to be just as focused and we crushed some sets.  I was sweating all over the place.  I'm going to bring a spray bottle and towel in the future.  Josh D. decided to try 'the tap' (see previous post).  He likes to walk on the dark side.  I declined.  Awkward memories.

I had to go early than I wanted, but I showed up and did what I could.  Sometimes life is like that.  Just be happy with what you got.


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