Thursday 19 April 2012

Gun Club Thursday April 19, 2012

I thought I might be working the guns alone today.  Joel was away tending to his family, which will hopefully grow soon.  All the best Joel, we're thinking of you!  Try to steal a minute to run some stairs in the hospital, or do some push-ups in the waiting room, or chin-ups on the door frames.  Just remember to stay loose.  A man must be prepared for the arrival of his first born.  I did one extra rep on all of my sets today in honor of the imminent arrival of jr. driedge.  I can just imagine jr.'s emerging guns reaching, stretching, and clawing toward life.  Nature at its purest. 

I wasn't alone in the Gun Club, however.  The Adamal arrived in fine form and hammered, and I mean hammered, out some amazing clean and jerk military presses with my squat weights.  I find this works well because we don't need to change the weights much.  Travis and Arnason arrived a bit later.  Arnason has made some huge gains, and is now repping the bench at 145lbs, nice.   

Travis introduced me to a new exercise, 'the tap'.  I guess this is a UFC thing.  You lie on the ground on your back and kind of hover flex so your abs are tight, then the other guy (Arnason in my case) 'taps' (read: hits or whips) your abs with a 'tap stick' (read: a volley ball standard flag 'I hope someone returns that.' said the Adamal).  The effect was such that I felt a bit dirty.  I think I'll leave this exercise to them.

Well, it was a beautiful spring day, there was alot we could have done, but we showed up.  And we are better for it.



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