Friday 27 April 2012

Gun Club Thursday April 27, 2012

Solo guns today, and I had some serious toxins to work out of the system.  Returning from a Wanuskewin field trip Mario let out some serious gas, which he covered up with excessive amounts (the whole bottle) of Axe body spray.  Potent.  We love Mario.

Exiting the van in a nasty smog of musky, floral feces, I stumbled in to Gun Club and got down to business.  I went hard.  Some days I wonder where all the angry energy comes from, but when it flows in the Club I let it go.  Let Black-wolf run.  The last few sessions White-wolf was dominant, so I guess it was Black dubs turn.   

RJC was hosting badminton playoffs, and I had the music pretty loud.  People kinda' stayed away.  Some looked down the hall, like children peering down a dark, wooded path, but most stayed away.  The wolf lives there. 

The wolves showed up. 

Thursday 26 April 2012

Gun Club Tuesday April 25, 2012

I knew I would be the lone staffer today.  Joel, bless his guns, is a proud new father!  Henri Joel Leis Driedger was born last Thursday, and is already showing signs of being a gunner.  We know Joel is where he needs to be, and wish him all the best.  We are also awaiting his return to Gun Club within the next couple weeks.  He needs to keep up the guns to be the best father he can be.  The Adamal was away with the badminton team, which apparently didn't sweep, but did well.

I started my solitary gun club right at 3:30.  I got a phone call from Dana that I was needed at home by 4:30, hate those, so I knew I needed to go fast and hard.  I was soon joined by Josh D. and Travis H.  These guys seemed to be just as focused and we crushed some sets.  I was sweating all over the place.  I'm going to bring a spray bottle and towel in the future.  Josh D. decided to try 'the tap' (see previous post).  He likes to walk on the dark side.  I declined.  Awkward memories.

I had to go early than I wanted, but I showed up and did what I could.  Sometimes life is like that.  Just be happy with what you got.


Thursday 19 April 2012

Gun Club Thursday April 19, 2012

I thought I might be working the guns alone today.  Joel was away tending to his family, which will hopefully grow soon.  All the best Joel, we're thinking of you!  Try to steal a minute to run some stairs in the hospital, or do some push-ups in the waiting room, or chin-ups on the door frames.  Just remember to stay loose.  A man must be prepared for the arrival of his first born.  I did one extra rep on all of my sets today in honor of the imminent arrival of jr. driedge.  I can just imagine jr.'s emerging guns reaching, stretching, and clawing toward life.  Nature at its purest. 

I wasn't alone in the Gun Club, however.  The Adamal arrived in fine form and hammered, and I mean hammered, out some amazing clean and jerk military presses with my squat weights.  I find this works well because we don't need to change the weights much.  Travis and Arnason arrived a bit later.  Arnason has made some huge gains, and is now repping the bench at 145lbs, nice.   

Travis introduced me to a new exercise, 'the tap'.  I guess this is a UFC thing.  You lie on the ground on your back and kind of hover flex so your abs are tight, then the other guy (Arnason in my case) 'taps' (read: hits or whips) your abs with a 'tap stick' (read: a volley ball standard flag 'I hope someone returns that.' said the Adamal).  The effect was such that I felt a bit dirty.  I think I'll leave this exercise to them.

Well, it was a beautiful spring day, there was alot we could have done, but we showed up.  And we are better for it.



Tuesday 17 April 2012

RJC Gun Club Tuesday April 17, 2012

Well, back from Easter break and a bit of a slow start for Gun Club.  Just the Driedge and me after school.  It felt a little sluggish, but we showed up and got started.  Felt a bit better after a few sets and as we went along the vision of massive guns by the end of June inspired us to continue.  Senior Driedge has added motivation as he is expecting a jr. driedge any day now.  He needs secure guns to hold the little one.  All the best to the Driedges!

After Driedg was called off, Karalee keeps us on a regular schedule, I was left to my own devices until, like angels of light, Arnason and Travis sauntered down the hall.  This coincided with the Rococo blasting on the ipump playlist, beautiful.  This inspired me to one more set. 

It's tough to motivate oneself after the chocolate Easter bunny sugar crash, but we showed up anyway.  Nice work boys, let's keep this momentum going. 


Thursday 5 April 2012

RJC Gun Club Thursday April 5, 2012

Just me and the Adamal today.  Working out alone with the Adamal is kind of like being in a cage with a bear, a zoo bear, subdued and domesticated, but if raw instinct snapped back into place...yeah, you're on the wrong side of the bars.  Time to put the tuna away.

It was relaxing to pump the guns after interviews,  too much sitting.  Makes me crazy.  Guns get restless.  Most students were packing or had left for the break, though I did see Jordan Nickel run by, but he might have just been running, not going for a run.  Later, Joseph Beug's parents walked by.  It was like we both wanted to say something, but didn't.

I took a moment for Lenten guns today.  Tried to use whole body sensory worship.  Jesus is the man.  A small taste of physical pain and pushing human thresholds is a window into what he must of endured.  People mocked, laughed, and spit; but when the crunch came, he showed up.  

Happy Easter everyone!  See you after the break.  

Tuesday 3 April 2012

RJC Gun Club Tuesday April 3, 2012

Epic Gun Club today.  Joel crushed the double plates (225lbs)!  If you were late, you missed it.  He showed up, warmed up, and pounded it.  I was high-fiving, The Adamal was impressed, and  Landon 'Obi-Wan' Falconer said, 'He lifted the X-wing, Luke couldn't do it, but Joel did'.  A compliment if I've ever heard one.  Tyler came about 3 seconds too late to witness it, and looked stunned.  Well done Joel, I haven't given up yet, and you have inspired us all.

Lots of traffic today.  Love the smell of spring sweat, gets the game on.  Arnason continues to shred.  I might take up smoking again if he doesn't slow down a bit.  Travis, Tyler, and LDE are regulars and always work it hard.  LDE is training for nationals, nice work.  Later, it was great to see Vichael out.  He has so much potential to be a massive artsy-skater-beast, a good look for Vichael.  Landon ran 50 laps, he wanted to give up at 42 and I showed him the inspirational poster I brought today which featured a crippled young boy with prosthetic legs running a race with the caption: 'Your excuse is invalid' (Pinterest isn't only for girls).  I pinned this to the doorpost at the bottom of the stairwell, and Landon pounded out 8 more laps, dedication.

One for the record books.  Good things are happening.  Double plates are possible if you show up.

Double Plate celebration dinner here I come!