Friday 11 May 2012

Gun Club Friday May 11, 2012

I owe this one to Joel.  I wasn't going to gun today, but he was, so I did too.  Thanks for keeping me on track Father-Brother!  I started with a run.  The wind was a beast, but it only made me stronger, and slower.  I'm trying to stay in shape for my 10K on May 27th. 

Once I finished my run I met Joel on his way out of the Club.  I am looking forward to having a full Gun Club with the Driedge again soon, but I guess today wasn't the day.  Soon, my Father-Brother, we will shred again!  The Adamal was at a funeral.  Our condolences, friend.

I soldiered on with solo-guns.  Did the Spartacus routine.  If I was a gladiator, which I'm not, I think I would pick a trident.  You can defend thrust, stab, or throw it.  But, the winners rarely have a trident do they.  And what's with those nets that usually go with the tridents?  I guess I would take a sword. 

it was Friday, and I snuck in a gun-run.  Here's to Joel for making me show up!

Gun Club Thursday May 10, 2012

What a treat, I was able to slip in a quick, intense Gun Club between the Coffee House dress rehearsal and the final show.  I rushed into the clubhouse just after 4, alone. But wait!  Just as I opened the door Heebs and T-mart emerged out of the shadows eager to join.  I felt like a chef heading to the dumpster to dump food and having cats congregate when they hear the door.  It always good to know you're appreciated. 

We hit it hard.  T-mart was planking something fierce.  I even tried to slap his legs down, to no avail.  Amazing, circus-material, planking action.  T-mart owns this exercise.

It was a quick one, but we showed up!

Monday 7 May 2012

Gun Club Monday May 7

Back from ALSO week and some serious practiguns.  Time to hone the guns for the next service adventure.   

Had some retro guns with The Adamal and Papa Driedge just before staff meeting.  We did our time-hampered, quasi-Spartacus, intense work-out.  When we came into the staff room, sweating, Jim said he felt like he was in a sitcom.  Rowan laughed, but this was not unusual.  We must be a treat to sit beside during humid staff meetings.  A teach has to do what a teach has to do to stay healthy.  Coffee breath and cardigan protruding bellies lurk behind every semester. 

After staff meeting I hit Gun Club again.  I was alone so I jumped right into my regular strength training regime: bench, squats, rows, dead-lifts, curling, and military presses.  I had a steady slow burn workout today.  White wolf was alpha today, though Black dubs was growling earlier in the day, must be a Monday thing.  I have more endurance when White Wolf is alpha, more control, more focus.  I like White dubs days, but Black dubs is always lurking.

Whatever the case, it is important to show up, and after a week off it was time.  There are only about 12 major gun clubs left in this calendar year, like the disciples.  And like the 12 disciples they are all important (except Judas).  they have to show up.  Here's to finishing strong!  Here's to showing up.