Friday 14 November 2014

Gun Glub 2014/15: We're Back!!!!

Well ladies and gentlemen, Gun Club is back!  We haven't really gone away, but with the amount of interest in the weight room this year it was time for a short update.

Gr. 12 student Dusty Bill is the current attendance leader with over 20 visits so far this season.  He's going to be beast by June, barring an injury.  Don't push it too hard D-Bills.  Remember, safety first.  You can't help an old lady cross the street if you have a massive hernia.  You can't save a cat from a tree, and impress your friends, with a slipped disc.

Christian 'the prodigal son returns' Fehr was back today!  What jubilation filled the gym with his entrance.  He has been feeding on corn husks, so he's not quite in game shape, but we will work on that.

Happy to have a few new gunners this year.  Today we were joined by 'Big' Mac Barlas and Sergio 'the Mexican Missile' Loranzo.  The romantic languages were rounded out when Emmanuel 'Justin Trudeau but better looking' Perrault entered the room uttering French pump-up slogans.

The whole thing was quite inspirational and allowed me the stamina to do an extra set.

The bottom line is that these guys showed up.  Here's to another great year in the Gun Club.  Stay tuned. 

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