Tuesday 5 June 2012

RJC Gun Club Tuesday June 5, 2012

Pure inspiration!

Monster Guns did not disappoint.  Started off in the clubhouse with the Trifecta (aka The Adamal, The Driedge, and myself).  High fives all around.  Major grunting.  Awesome.  The difference, however, was that we were soon joined by some young guns, the first being T-Mart (AKA The Weasel, or T-Weasel, or T-Wease, or The Prairie Mongoose, or Egg Snatcher (you should see him do dumbbell push-ups, he just scoops them up!), or Canada Goose, or Goose, or Gooser, or 'the skinniest strong man I know', or Tyler Martens). 

Shortly thereafter we were joined by T-Rav (AKA Heebs) and Mike Arnason (AKA Arnason or Smoke Killer).  If there was an Olympic Games for people who smoked a minimum of 1 pack a day for at least a year and then did Olympic events, Arnason would represent Canada.  This guy continues to inspire with monster effort!  Don't leave us Arnason.

Even Kuny was shredding Monster Yoga (AKA 'K.O. Mo-Yo') in the Bio room.  I guess the club could work at being more gender neutral space.  Next year. 

But today, even though things are getting busy, we showed up! Thanks for the inspiration!


RJC Gun Club Monday June 4, 2012

Wow, it's been too long since the last post.  Well, no time for excuses, just moving forward.  It's not that no one has been pumping the guns, but admittedly it has slowed, especially for the young 'uns.  I guess they are studying. 

It was time for a kick-start, and here's how it happened.   The Driedge and I were cramming a few quick guns at noon (we need to do this a noon now because staff meeting starts immediately following tutorial on Mondays and if we don't gun it up before these meetings I get too aggressive) and we saw Mike A.  heading to the smoke pit, "Get in here Arnason"  I shouted out the window.  He shrugged a sheepish smile and kept walking.  "Haven't seen you in here forever!" Menaced the Dreiedge.  "Walk of Shame, you have to earn that smoke Arnason".  We thought we lost him, but withing a few minutes (man, those guys know how to smoke) his lately-not-so-familar-presence graced the doorway.

I felt the magic back. 

Then Robby came in, representing the grade 10s, The Fitzgeralds, and the entire Irish-Quebecois nation (as small as it is, but it's feisty).  The inertia of Gun Club was back.  We only pumped for a few minutes, but as the music pounded, the sweat poured, and the bell rang, I felt like the June push was on.

We showed up, and it felt good. 

Monster guns tomorrow.  As always, everyone's invited!